
Family members travel the journey together with loved ones suffering from cognitive and physical impairments. All too often, attention is focused exclusively on the loved one needing elder care, but family and friends need support and encouragement too. At Larmax Homes, we focus on both.

How do I talk with a family member with dementia? How do I keep someone with Parkinson’s physically active? Why is my parent saying these things to me? What can I expect from this journey? These are familiar questions that need answers. Through support groups and one-on-one conversations, our accessible team members empower families to feel comfortable asking the difficult questions and provide resources where they may get informed, caring answers.

Individual Guidance

Our philosophy uses a holistic approach to care, bringing together the family and our entire team to promote wellness and share information. Because we are a small, focused company, families have direct and continual access to nursing, therapeutic, social work and care professionals all of whom are on staff and spend time with the residents every day.

Support Groups

Larmax and our staff partner with several organizations to provide or lead support groups. These groups have been discontinued as a result of COVID-19; as soon as they are meeting again we will update this page.

There are webinars/call-in discussions held by Fairfax Co. for family caregivers here.

Company Events

Information will be posted for any upcoming events.

“Thank you to the Ipswich Home staff for all the care they provide my mother and all the other residents. So Much Love!”

— Family of Ipswich Resident

“Thank you so much for suggesting a new and personalized engagement activity for my mother. She has improved dramatically. We enjoy sharing that time with her and she is so happy. You have enriched our lives.”

— Daughter of 8337 Resident

“Thanks for all you do – not just for mom, but for all you serve. I know it is not easy at many levels. Your staff are the unsung heroes of society.”


— Daughter of Current Resident

“You and everyone who came into contact with her made a personal connection during every interaction. That kind of attention goes beyond all expectations, and we are grateful beyond all belief.”

— Daughter of Greyswood Resident

“Your loving care, wise counsel and unending support have meant the world to me. You allowed me to be her loving, caring, supportive daughter through the whole journey”

— Daughter of Lewinsville Resident

“….you made me a better spouse.”

— Spouse of Bells Mill Resident

For Our Families Only

The following part of our site is dedicated to sharing pictures, stories and information with our families. This portion of the website is password protected.

Family Login